The BoringWeb

WordCloud - WebSite Distribution
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    • index.html
    • login.html
    • about.html
    • faq.html
    • games.html
    • news.html
    • posts.html
    • website-guide.html
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WebSite Development Videos

WebSite Technical Info
Title Description Examples
Layout For the Layout I used flexbox for the mayority of the pages. Although you can also see that I used flexbox in the Post page! Layout Example
Responsivity I used many media queries for the responsivity, I decided to do it this way because I wanted the website to adapt to any envitoment without any restrictions. This are the different sizes where the website will respond:
Selectors I used this Selectors: element, .class, .class.class, .class .class, :hover, nth-of-type(n), :focus; Among others. tr:nth-of-type(even), a:hover
Tags HTML5 mian, header, footer, article, section, figure; etc.
Animations I created a few aniamtions,my personal favourite was the animated background, wich I recycled and used the same animation for the active Nav Bar item's.
Last Update - 18 Oct 2020
WebSite Details
Description Value
Boring Pages The boring web has 9 boring pages.
Boring Images The boring web has 30 boring images.
Boring Videos The boring web has 3 boring videos.
Boring Animations The boring web has 5 boring Animation.
Boring Links The boring web has 9 boring external link.
Boring Visitors The boring web has had 97,999 boring visitors.
Last Update - 18 Oct 2020

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